First Nations Land Management

First Nations Land Management enables First Nations to transition away from the application of the 44 sections of the Indian Act relating to land and environmental management. First Nations can then develop their own laws about land use, the environment and natural resources, and take advantage of cultural and economic development opportunities with their new land management authorities. For more information, visit First Nations Land Management: Policy and legislation.

On this page

Who can opt-in?

Any First Nation with reserve lands within the meaning of section 91(24) of the Constitution Act of 1867 or with lands set aside in Yukon can opt-in.

Once a First Nation has joined First Nations Land Management, it is able to receive 3 types of funding:

  1. developmental funding for developing a land code, entering into an individual agreement with Canada, and holding a ratification vote
  2. funding to facilitate the transition from the developmental phase to the operational phase
  3. ongoing operational funding for managing land, environment and natural resources


There is no deadline. Expressions of interest are reviewed on an ongoing basis.

How to express interest?

  1. Interested First Nations can contact the First Nations Land Management Resource Centre or ISC Regional Office to receive more information.
  2. The First Nation submits a Band Council Resolution to the First Nations Land Management Resource Centre requesting to become a signatory to the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management.
  3. The First Nations Land Management Resource Centre leads the review of the submission and makes a recommendation for entry to ISC.
  4. After a First Nation is recommended for entry into First Nations Land Management, a joint welcome letter is issued by the Lands Advisory Board and ISC. The First Nation signs an adhesion document, adding the First Nation as a signatory to the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management.
  5. The First Nation then enters the developmental phase during which it undertakes activities such as drafting a land code, developing an individual agreement with the Government of Canada, holding community consultations and conducting a ratification vote. Natural Resources Canada provides a description of the lands that will come under the management and authority of a community's land code. This entire stage takes approximately 2 years to complete and is accompanied by milestone-based funding.
  6. The First Nation community approves the land code and individual agreement by a ratification vote and enters the operational phase.
  7. In the operational phase, the control and administration of the First Nation's land, resources and environment is transferred over to the First Nation. The 44 sections of the Indian Act related to the management of land, resources and environment no longer apply to the First Nation since it now operates under its own community-developed and approved land code.

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