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People often refer to a home loan as a "mortgage." But a mortgage isn't a loan agreement. The promissory note promises to repay the amount you borrowed to buy a home. A "mortgage" is a contract between you and the lender that creates a lien on the property. Some states use mortgages to create the lien, while others typically use deeds of trust or another similar-sounding instrument. The mortgage or deed of trust gives the lender the right to foreclose if you fail to make the payments or violate the loan contract in some other way. While mortgages and deeds of trust are alike because they're both agreements in which a borrower pledges the title to real estate as collateral for a loan, these legal instruments differ. They differ in the parties involved and how the foreclosure process usually works.
When you take out a loan to buy a home, the lender usually requires you to sign a promissory note and a mortgage or a deed of trust.
By signing a promissory note for a home loan, you promise to make regular payments, usually monthly, to repay the amount you've borrowed. It's basically an "IOU."
With a mortgage or deed of trust, you give the lender a security interest in the home—that is, the property becomes collateral for the loan. The lender records the mortgage or deed of trust in the land records to create a lien on the property.
Some states use mortgages to create a lien on property, while others typically use deeds of trust. Other states use a similar-sounding instrument, like a "security deed," to create security interests.
The two main differences between a mortgage and a deed of trust are:
A "mortgage" is a legal contract in which real estate is pledged as security (collateral) for a loan.
With a mortgage, the two parties to the contract are:
Mortgage transfers between banks and other entities are common. When a mortgage loan is sold from one party to another, this transfer is documented and typically recorded in the county records.
The document that transfers a mortgage from one entity to another is called an "assignment of mortgage." Usually, each assignment is recorded in the county land records.
How Does MERS Work?
Mortgage Electronic Registration System, Inc. (MERS) is an electronic registry and clearinghouse that the lending industry created to register and track assignments of mortgages (and deeds of trust) and servicing rights, and avoid the costs associated with having to record each transfer. Instead, the MERS database keeps track of the transfers.
MERS acts as a nominee (basically, an agent) for the loan owner, tracking the loan as it's transferred from one owner to another. MERS eliminated the need for separate assignments each time a loan is transferred because it notes the transfers in its electronic system. Once a loan has been assigned to MERS, the loan can be bought and sold any number of times later without recording additional assignments.
In many home loan transactions, the mortgage or deed of trust will designate MERS as a nominee for the lender. In other cases, the loan may be assigned to MERS, solely as a nominee for the lender, at some point later in its life cycle after the loan closes.
Don't be surprised if you find out that your mortgage or deed of trust was assigned to MERS at some point. In most cases, the loan must be assigned out of MERS' name before a foreclosure can begin.
The mortgage gives the loan owner the right to sell the secured property through a foreclosure if the mortgagor doesn't make the payments or breaches the loan contract in another way (called "defaulting" on the loan). Judicial foreclosures, which go through the state court system, are typical in states that use mortgages as security instruments.
However, in a few states that use mortgages, like Alabama and Michigan, foreclosures are ordinarily nonjudicial. In these states, the mortgage contracts' terms and state laws allow lenders to conduct out-of-court foreclosures of mortgages.
A "deed of trust" also pledges real property to secure a loan. In some states, this document is usually used instead of a mortgage.
Again, while a mortgage involves two parties, a deed of trust involves three:
The trustee is an independent third party, like a title company, trustee company, or bank. The trustee holds "bare" or "legal" title to the property. The trustee holds the property's title in trust, with the power of sale. The "power of sale" clause in the security document pre-authorizes the property's sale through a nonjudicial foreclosure process after a borrower defaults, like by failing to make the monthly payments.
The borrower gets equitable title and the use of and responsibility for the property. When the borrower pays the debt in full, they get the property's legal title. But if the borrower defaults on payments, the trustee will handle the foreclosure process and sell the property at a public auction.
Some States Use Documents Other Than a Mortgage or Deed of Trust
Again, a few states use different, similar-sounding documents instead of mortgages and deeds of trust for secured transactions. In Georgia, for example, the most common contract that gives a lender a security interest in a property is called a "security deed."
Like mortgages, when a deed of trust is transferred from one party to another, an assignment is usually recorded in the county records. Transfers of mortgages and deeds of trust are both called "assignments." An "assignment" transfers the seller's interest under the mortgage or deed of trust to the new owner.
Nonjudicial foreclosures are typical in states that use deeds of trust. If the deed of trust contains a power of sale clause, the lender can foreclose without going to court. Although, the lender might decide to foreclose judicially, even if a nonjudicial foreclosure process is available.
State law lays out the procedural requirements for nonjudicial foreclosures. Nonjudicial foreclosures tend to be much quicker than judicial foreclosures.
From a borrower's perspective, it might be better to have a mortgage if you default on your home loan. Again, judicial foreclosures typically take much longer than nonjudicial ones. Assuming you live in a judicial foreclosure state, you'll get more time to live in the home payment-free while the foreclosure works its way through the court.
Also, if your state requires a judicial foreclosure process, jumping into the existing lawsuit is easier and less expensive if you want to fight the foreclosure. If your foreclosure proceeds without court supervision (a nonjudicial foreclosure), you'll have to bring your own lawsuit—a more involved and costly process.
But one benefit to a nonjudicial foreclosure is that, in some states, the lender is prohibited from seeking a deficiency judgment if the lender forecloses a deed of trust nonjudicially. However, under certain circumstances, deficiency judgments aren't allowed after judicial foreclosures in some states.
From a lender's perspective, a deed of trust is usually better because it can foreclose more quickly for less money using a nonjudicial process if the borrower stops making payments.
You don't get to choose whether to sign a mortgage or deed of trust. The real estate industry in your state and the laws that industry's lobbyists have pushed through that state's legislature pretty much determine whether mortgages or deeds of trust are used where you live.
A few states let lenders use both trust deeds and mortgages. Still, even in these states, your lender will choose which document you'll have to sign. The decision isn't up to you.
Should I Elect to Get Notices Electronically If My Mortgage or Deed of Trust Allows It?The standard Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage and deed of trust forms say that, if agreed to (unless the law requires another delivery method), the lender may give notices to you electronically, such as by email. Getting notices this way can be an advantage and a disadvantage. It's a convenient way to get notices, but what if an important message goes to your junk folder? You might miss learning vital information, such as you're delinquent on the loan. This method of delivery can also be a problem if you don't regularly check your email.
If you don't consent to electronic notices, the servicer must send them by mail. If you opt to go this route, you need to open and review any communications from your servicer that you get in the mail. Don't just throw notices you get in the mail in the trash without reading them.
To find out whether a mortgage or deed of trust was used to secure your home loan, you can:
To learn which foreclosure process is usually used in your state, check our Key Aspects of State Foreclosure Law: 50-State Chart or talk to a local attorney.