Code Enforcement Launches New Short-Term Rental Website

Learn requirements for operating a short-term rental, find out whether a short-term rental is operating in a neighborhood or file a complaint at Code Enforcement’s new Short-Term Rental website at

“Due to the popularity of the short-term rental program, we wanted to give residents, visitors and hosts a comprehensive resource where they can find everything in one place,” said Board of Supervisors Chairman Curt Hagman. “This includes how to be a good neighbor (tenant) and how to be good host (owner).”

“With the growing popularity of short-term rental properties in San Bernardino County, it’s important for guests, hosts, and residents in unincorporated communities to understand the parameters of our vacation rental ordinance,” said Board of Supervisors Vice Chair Dawn Rowe. “This new website will serve as an invaluable tool for increasing compliance and reducing complaints related to the short-term rental industry.”

“Tourism is the bread and butter of many mountain businesses, and short-term rentals play a vital role in bringing tourists to our mountains,” Second District Supervisor Janice Rutherford said. “At the same time, we must ensure rental properties don’t become nuisances to neighborhoods. The new website helps strike that balance by providing information and resources for renters, rental owners, and residents as well.”

The new website has an interactive map so residents and visitors can see where permitted short-term rentals are in the county and provides information on how to report an unpermitted property being used as a short-term rental. There are also several answers to frequently asked questions on the site.

A “how-to” video on the website helps prospective operators learn how to obtain a permit and there is information available about how to remain in compliance to protect their investment.

For more information, visit the new site at